School Day Timings 

A day at Danesfield Manor School

A typical school day at Danesfield Manor School is packed with opportunities to learn, by providing a fun and safe environment in which to be stimulated and inspired.

The school day starts at 08:30 when the children are greeted at the school gate by a member of staff. School assemblies are regularly held to reinforce our values; with various other assemblies throughout the term to highlight personal, musical or academic successes.

Up to three days per week the children take part in physical activity lessons, which include swimming, PE and games.

At break times children have a chance to mix with their peers and play outside.

The school day ends at 15:30 for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils and 16:00 for those in Years 3-6. Homework is set from Reception class onwards and all pupils are encouraged to devote time to reading, spelling, tables and number bonds with their parents every day.

At the end of your child’s day there are various clubs that are on offer for your child to join. The older your child becomes, the more clubs they can attend. Clubs are for either half an hour or a full hour depending on the club activity and the age of the group.

Homework Club

If your child is in Upper Phase/Key Stage 2 (Y3-Y6) and have not joined a club, you can sign your child up to ‘Superstars’ the overarching after school childcare club. Pupils in Y3-Y6 will be provided with a drink and a biscuit before moving to a formal classroom from 16:15-17:00 to complete their daily homework whilst being supervised by a member of staff.